深圳市磐石測控儀器有限公司 提供高品質(zhì)力學檢測儀器,自動化測力(扭力) 解決方案
DSCUSB Advanced User Manual
一、Commands in Access OrderASCIInamedescriptiondatatypeaccessCMVVTempCompensatedmV VfloatROSTATStatus(Seetablelater)intROMVVFi一、Commands in Access Order
ASCII name | description | datatype | access |
CMVV | Temp Compensated mV/V | float | RO |
STAT | Status (See table later) | int | RO |
MVV | Filtered & factory calibrated mV/V | float | RO |
SOUT | selected output | float | RO |
SYS | main output | float | RO |
TEMP | temperature | float | RO |
SRAW | raw system output | float | RO |
CELL | cell output | float | RO |
FLAG | error flags (See table later) | int | RW |
CRAW | raw cell output | float | RO |
ELEC | electrical output | float | RO |
SZ | system zero | float | RW |
SYSN | snapshot result | float | RO |
PEAK | Peak value | Float | RO |
TROF | Trough value | Float | RO |
CFCT | Communications failure count | Float | RW |
VER | software version | byte | RO |
SERL | serial number low | int | RO |
SERH | serial number high | int | RO |
STN | station number | int | RW |
BAUD | baud rate select | byte | RW |
OPCL | Output Control (Value select) | byte | RW |
RATE | reading rate select | byte | RW |
DP | digits after point | byte | RW |
DPB | digits before point | byte | RW |
NMVV | Nominal mV/V for scaling ELEC | float | RW |
CGAI | cell gain | float | RW |
COFS | cell offset | float | RW |
CMIN | cell range min | float | RW |
CMAX | cell range max | float | RW |
CLN | lin n-points | byte | RW |
CLX1..7 | lin raw-values | float | RW |
CLK1..7 | lin corrections | float | RW |
SGAI | system gain | float | RW |
SOFS | system offset | float | RW |
SMIN | system range min | float | RW |
SMAX | system range max | float | RW |
FFLV | Dynamic Filter Level | Float | RW |
FFST | Dynamic filter steps | Float | RW |
RST | reboot | – | X |
SNAP | take snapshot | – | X |
RSPT | Reset peak & trough | – | X |
SCON | Shunt cal ON | – | X |
SCOF | Shunt cal OFF | – | X |
OPON | Digital Output on | - | X |
OPOF | Digital output off | - | X |
CTN | tempco n-points | byte | RW |
CT1..5 | tempco Temp points | float | RW |
CTG1..5 | tempco gain-adjust | float | RW |
CTO1..5 | tempco offset-adjust | float | RW |
二、The various bits in the STAT value are as follows
Bit | Value | Description | Name |
0 | 1 | Setpoint output status | SPSTAT |
1 | 2 | Digital Input status (DSC ONLY) | IPSTAT |
2 | 4 | Temperature under range (TEMP) | TEMPUR |
3 | 8 | Temperature over-range (TEMP | TEMPOR |
4 | 16 | Strain gauge input under-range | ECOMUR |
5 | 32 | Strain gauge input over-range | ECOMOR |
6 | 64 | Cell under-range (CRAW) | CRAWUR |
7 | 128 | Cell over-range (CRAW) | CRAWOR |
8 | 256 | System under-range (SRAW) | SYSUR |
9 | 512 | System over-range (SRAW) | SYSOR |
10 | 1024 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
11 | 2048 | Load Cell Integrity Error (LCINTEG) | LCINTEG |
12 | 4096 | Shunt Calibration Resistor ON | SCALON |
13 | 8192 | Stale output value (previously read) | OLDVAL |
14 | 16384 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
15 | 32768 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
三、he various bits in the FLAG value are as follows
Bit | Value | Description | Name |
0 | 1 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
1 | 2 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
2 | 4 | Temperature under range ( TEMP) | TEMPUR |
3 | 8 | Temperature over-range (TEMP | TEMPOR |
4 | 16 | Strain gauge input under-range | ECOMUR |
5 | 32 | Strain gauge input over-range | ECOMOR |
6 | 64 | Cell under-range (CRAW) | CRAWUR |
7 | 128 | Cell over-range (CRAW) | CRAWOR |
8 | 256 | System under-range (SRAW) | SYSUR |
9 | 512 | System over-range (SRAW) | SYSOR |
10 | 1024 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
11 | 2048 | Load Cell Integrity Error (LCINTEG) | LCINTEG |
12 | 4096 | Watchdog Reset | WDRST |
13 | 8192 | (unused – reserved) | Unused |
14 | 16384 | Brown-Out Reset | BRWNOUT |
15 | 32768 | Reboot warning (Normal Power up) | REBOOT |